Name : Mr. Mahantesh B. Patil

Designation : Assistant Professor

Email: mbpatil@siberindia.edu.in

Qualifications: M.C.A., M.Phil, C.C.N.A.

Mr. Patil has 02 years of academic experience. He has 16 year’s experience as a System Administrator. He has published 11 research papers in reputed national and international journals. He has authored one Book Entitled “UBUNTU LINUX”, published by Evincepub Publishing. He has to his credit installation and administration of more than 900 machines, Structured Network, User Management and Campus WiFi. He has also organized seminars, workshops.  His research interests are Networking, Cloud Computing and Internet Of Things.

He is a member of the website development committee, Digital Evolution System and RUSA Core Committee. He taught subjects like Computer Applications, Office Automation, Linux programming, Computer Networks.


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